The Acquisition Of GW Pharmaceuticals Raises Many Interesting Questions

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Article by Richard Cowan, former NORML National Director and author of A Comparison Between Cannabidiol And Kava.

The biggest news this week in the medical cannabis world has to be the acquisition of GW Pharmaceuticals by JAZZ, the Irish pharmaceutical company at a significant premium.

See Jazz Pharmaceuticals to acquire GW Pharma for $7.2 billion in cash and stock, GW soars 46% premarket

I have long had serious concerns about GW Pharmaceuticals, not because they are trying to “pharmaceuticalize” cannabis (Hooray for that, if they can), but rather because they seem to have had marijuana prohibition built into their business model.

See Does the FDA Regulate CBD? Could they be doing a better job? (Hint: F&*# Yes)

They even employed a former staffer from the Drug Czar’s office to lobby against state medical marijuana laws. I think if you have to threaten sick and dying people with arrest if they use a plant instead of your product, you must not have much confidence in your products.

See The Curious Case Of GW Pharmaceuticals

See full article here:

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