President Biden has suffered two avoidable embarrassments. First, he somehow managed to fall three times trying to run up the ramp stairs for Airforce One. I’m even older than he is, so I’m sympathetic. Oops. It happens.

Don’t worry if you missed it. It will run forever on the Trump cult networks to demonstrate how inferior he is to the godlike athleticism of the Apollo of Mar-a-Swampo.

The second embarrassment was deliberate. The Biden White House fired five staffers who honestly admitted to having used marijuana.

Someone immediately pointed out that this would have kept former President Barack (“Lock My People Up”) Obama from being appointed to anything. To which I say, Hooray.

See: Obama’s War on Pot. In a shocking about-face, the administration has launched a government-wide crackdown on medical marijuana

On the other hand, it is utterly inconsistent with his claims that his advisers will lead with “science and truth.

To the contrary, this places a penalty on both, and arguably creates security risks.

More substantially, it will pointlessly exclude some truly great minds. Two of the greatest geniuses of the last century were cannabis users:

The late Carl Sagan, “American astronomer, planetary scientist, cosmologist, astrophysicist, astrobiologist, author, and science communicator.”

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