Don’t Mention the Drug War! America’s Elite Would Rather Follow Mobs Than Lead the People

Ah, here we go again. America is being rocked—sometimes literally—by riots, looting, as well as peaceful demonstrations, protesting yet another unarmed African American being killed by the police for Breathing while Black. Given all of the stress on African American communities, hard hit by both the Pandemic and its economic consequences, no one should be surprised.

Wall Street may think that America isn’t broke, but “the street” knows that America is badly broken. Unfortunately, the African American leadership has its own problem. They only have one thing—race—in common with “the street”, but otherwise they are part of America’s entirely dysfunctional political system.

They remind me of the story about a left-wing leader, Alexandre Auguste Ledru-Rollin, during the failed French Revolution of 1848, who saw a mob rush by and said, “There go my people. I must find out where they are going so I can lead them.”

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