Article by Richard Cowan, former NORML National Director and author of Reasons Why CBD May Not Work For You.
Well, okay, the DEA didn’t exactly word it that way. They preferred to say, “DEA Widens Path for Medical Marijuana Research”.
A few points here. First, this article is from the Wall Street Journal, which has historically been rather pro-Trump and very anti-marijuana.
In any case, our gracious Lords and Masters at the Drug Enforcement Administration have magnanimously agreed to allow more than one contractor to provide cannabis for medical research … “after years of delay under the Trump administration.”
SEE We Need to Educate Children And Adults About “Drug Education”
As the WSJ reports, “The DEA under President Obama began seeking applications for additional marijuana growers in August 2016, saying it wanted to expand research into the potential medical uses of marijuana as American society took a more tolerant view of its use.” However, Obama became President in 2001 and did not direct the DEA to stop blocking research until his last full year in office.
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