Conservative Intellectual Wants To Keep Marijuana In The Black Market So “Problem Users” Won’t Be Such A Problem

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Article by Richard Cowan is a former NORML National Director and author of What Are The Regulatory Challenges Faced By CBD Medicines?

Ramesh Ponnuru writes for Bloomberg, and he is he is also a senior editor for National Review magazine.

He also writes for The  American Enterprise Institute , the “conservative” think tank.

He is a graduate of Princeton University and he managed to maintain his intellectual integrity during the Trump cult. In short he was smart enough to know better when he wrote his latest column for Bloomberg, calling for decriminalizing marijuana possession, but leaving the supply side to the black market:

“There’s a Responsible Way to End the Federal Marijuana Ban. The key to any nationwide legalization is to keep the free market out of it.”

Yes, there is something more than  a little strange about someone with such impeccable Conservative credentials opposing the free market because it works too well.

Full article here:

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